School Project

Project Information


We are very excited about the opportunities that our student's have been given the last couple of years with the addition of our STEAM Lab. We are working very hard this year to increase what is available and the classes that are able to use the STEAM Lab throughout the day.

We are in need of a few items that will help us to grow this part of the school. Please see the list below of items needed. Your help in any amount towards the purchase of these items is greatly appreciated. You can drop a check or cash off by the school business office or click the link at the bottom of the page. When giving online, please put in the Memo line "STEAM Lab." You are welcome to designate your funds to a specific item on the list.

Thank you for your investment in South Haven Christian School as we continue to train tomorrow's leaders.

Item Qty Needed Price Per Item Total Cost Project Progress
LEGO Spike Prime Set` 7 $399.95 $2,799.65 Still Needed
Snap Circuits Jr. 5 $29.99 $149.95 Still Needed
Student Pulley Demo Set 1 $285.00 $285.00 Still Needed
Flinn Scientific Student Pulleys
-----Aluminum, Triple 6 $9.99 $59.94 Funds Raised
-----Aluminum, Double 6 $7.50 $45.00 Funds Raised
-----Aluminum, Single 6 $6.09 $36.54 Funds Raised
-----Aluminum, Triple Tandem 6 $10.66 $63.96 Still Needed
-----Aluminum, Double Tandem 6 $10.24 $61.44 Still Needed
-----Aluminum, Quadruple 6 $10.11 $60.66 Still Needed
-----Holly Stones GPS Drone 2 $169.00 $338.00 Still Needed
Wheels & Axels Kit 4 $19.99 $79.96 Still Needed
Total Needed $3,980.10 Total Raised $140.00

Completed Projects

Project Total Funds Raised Project Progess
Security Upgrade Completed 2023-2024 $114,268.33 Completed
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